Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Why register a trademark?

Trademark registration is not just a business norm. It is an essential step that provides an umbrella of security for your business. In order to understand what the essentiality of a trademark is, it is first important to know about trademark. In short trademark is a word, logo, or words which legally registered and represented a company or product. It is the distinctive face of your company. By not registering your trademark, you are putting your venture into the risk of being sabotaged. Because an unregistered trademark is not legally protected against being used by anyone else. With trademark registration, you protect your brand.
The value of a trademark.
As it is said a trademark is the signature of your company. As you develop your business and your products or services become successful, the trademark acquires status. Conversely a registered trademark adds value to your business. A recognized identity is a backbone for any venture. It is also crucial for business investors to your brand's worth through a registered trademark. A business venture with legally registered trademark is an established entity in the market. No other company or individual can use the registered trademark, thus it is adds a vital uniqueness to your own venture.
Main functions of trademark
·     Trademark protects a company from its brand name getting stolen.
A successful business venture stands on several pillars. An established brand name is one of those crucial pillars. The main purpose of a brand name is to maintain a distinctive identity for a product or service. This is not possible without a registered trade name. In case of unregistered trade names, there is always the risk of it getting used by some other business owners. It may even be registered by some other business venture. In that case you may need to rebuild your brand identity. That is akin to a fresh start from the scratch. It can directly hamper the good reputation of a company and its business.
·     Adding stability for any business venture.
Obtaining a licensed trademark is crucial step towards adding stability to any business venture. Registering trademark of services, products and company name should convey a positive message to inventors. It acts like a complete coverage against the brand name.
·     Protection to the brand name
A legally registered trademark is protected against any unauthorized use of it whether within the country or outside. You can legally challenge if any other business entity duplicates your products or services and sell it under your brand name if you have a registered trade name. Thus you can protect your business against the risk of unscrupulous selling. Trademark attorneys in Kolkata help you get your trademark registered.
Why domain name trademark important?
With the rise in internet based business and ecommerce ventures domain names have long been serving as the business identifiers. With the rise in internet based business domain names have acquired equivalent status as trademarks. Similarly, it is important to protect your domain name from being used by any other web based business. This is vital to shield a business against diversification of users. Duplicate domain names create unwanted confusion. The government produces the best defense against such malice by providing trademark registration of domain. It is a complete legal shield like registered trademark against any malicious use of your domain name in cyberspace.
Domain name trademark in Kolkata
There are few steps towards acquiring domain name trademark in Kolkata. There are specified legal agencies in Kolkata who help you researching the right domain name, follow the legal steps of trademark application and work till the completion of the registration process of your domain by designated authorities.
Media contact: SVLA IPR | Trademark Registration Kolkata | Logo Registration

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