Every business thrives on exclusivity. Being the proprietor, you would want to protect that individuality. Secure the uniqueness only with trademark registration.
What is trademark registration?
A trademark is a type of a visual intellectual property, generally considered to be an identifiable word, phrase, symbol, or design, or a combination of the likes, which identifies and sets apart products or services of an exact source from those of others in the same market.
To break the meaning of the term furthermore, it can be said that a trademark creates a distinct identification for you among your patrons. To get your products trademarked hire trademark attorneys in Kolkata.
Deciphering the importance of trademark registration:
You should hire trademark attorneys in Kolkata as getting a trademark will ensure that you stand tall and distinguished amidst the crowd.
Apart from the factor of inducing uniqueness into your business, you can analyse some other utilities of a trademark in the following lines:
· The foremost use of a trademark is to make sure that no one else can use your business name, or the item registered under your name. With trademark registration, you could also make sure that you are not infringing anyone else's registration. You can save yourself from a huge deal of trouble.
· You can secure your brand's name. With trademark registration, you can boast about your ownership in public. Doesn't it feel good to have something that solely belongs only to you?
· It creates a more secured ground for trust and business in the market
· Once you have gotten your trademark, you will be set for years to come. It will stay with you forever. No one can take it away from you!
· You can add value to your business with the use of a trademark registration
Imagine building up a business over the years, slogging day in and day out to build a stronghold over the market, and then realizing you do not have the lone ownership over your item. To duck such a devastating situation, get going with trademark registration to protect your business name, identity, brand, logo, image, etc.
How to get a trademark registration?
Controller General of Patents Designs and Trademarks, Ministry of Commerce
and Industry under the Government of India is responsible for trademark registration processes
in India. You can get yours registered if it is characteristically unique for the goods you offer, under
the Trademark Act, 1999,
Types of trademark registrations you will get:
A registered trademark is an asset for a business that holds profound importance. You can get trademark registration for the following:
· A word
· Symbol
· A particular colour
· A phrase or Tag Line
· A Design
· Logo
· A certification mark
· Device
However, you must know that the item you are getting trademark registration must be used under a commercial scenario to seize full protection from the law.
Media contact:SVLA IPR | Trademark Registration Kolkata | Logo Registration
Address: 109, Post Office, 21B, Hazra Rd, Hazra, Kalighat, Kolkata, West Bengal 700026
Website: http://trademarkregistrationco.com